Start preparing your child for formal education at the Lower KG level, which was designed with 4-year-olds in mind. Your youngster will be introduced to the world of three-letter words, effective English communication, and math problems. They are urged to think independently and actively engage in sociocultural activities. Sight words, higher order thinking abilities. Our main areas of emphasis are storytelling and mental math.


Age: 1.5 - 2.5 Years

Duration: 3.5 hours/Day

Sensory and Perceptual Growth

Able to tell the difference between good and terrible genders.

Arranges objects in the appropriate location, stack blocks, and group items by type or size.

Able to apply the necessary pressure while holding the scissors properly.

Comprehends the ideas of heavy/light, odors, hard/soft, in/out, simple forms, and family.

They can match and identify the shapes with the corresponding 3D shapes of commonplace things.

Cognitive Progress

Able to repetitively reproduce recent or familiar situations in the play

Understands the function of numbers in counting items

Tries to recall specific details from a tale

Able to recite rhymes while performing them.

Uses "why?" and "how?" questions appropriately.

Possesses the ability to speak sight words from a variety of word families.

Recognize the value of money, time, and various item placements.